We are committed to providing the world’s best negotiation advice and training to help companies of all sizes with their toughest negotiations. Our team of advisors has worked closely with corporations such as HSBC, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, SAB Miller, and Suez, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), consistently achieving outstanding results.
The Managing Director of Negotiation Advice International (NAI), Peter D. Johnston, spearheads all of our client engagements.
He is an internationally recognized negotiation expert, sought-after negotiation consultant, speaker, mediator, and bestselling author. His award-winning book, Negotiating with Giants, relays lessons from our firm’s advisory work and some of history’s most difficult negotiations. Peter’s negotiation results have been formally recognized by the United States Government for their positive economic and social impact, both domestically and abroad.
NAI helps you achieve superior results on external business negotiations, conflict management, mediation, boardroom dynamics, and negotiating internal decisions.
We also enhance your organization’s ability to negotiate effectively through our customized training, which allows company negotiators to create and capture more value through systematic contract execution, supported by proprietary deal checklists developed by NAI.
Below are briefer examples of business negotiation engagements executed by our principals with companies around the globe, along with half a dozen more detailed case examples of business negotiation.
As negotiation experts trusted by high-profile business and government leaders, athletes, celebrities, and public figures, our reputation for discretion and confidentiality is critical to our success. Given the sensitive nature of our work, most of our clients’ names can never be made public. However, we do identify some clients when and as appropriate, only connecting them to detailed project descriptions on an exceptional basis.
—Harvard Business School, Bulletin Magazine
—Bill McGee
Technology Executive—Juan Carlos Gazia
Senior Manager, HSBCFrom Negotiating Sales and Finance Deals to Negotiating Change and Relationships: Business Negotiation Examples
Global Advisory Firm
Moving away from being seen as a one-off problem-solver for its clients to being considered a trusted ongoing advisor at the highest levels. With our negotiation advice and time, this elite general management consultancy achieved this aim.
Global Chemical Company
A combination of complementary in-person and virtual negotiation training for buyers and sellers from around the world. When teaching online, NAI delivered tailored negotiation classes and cases twice daily, once for Europe, North America, and Africa, while later repeating the same material with different applications for those in China and Singapore.
Global Service Firms
Negotiating to keep clients in the face of cut-throat competition, while avoiding the “commodity box,” and getting clients to pay for value delivered.
Healthcare Companies
Negotiating change both internally and externally, with NAI guiding strategic initiatives and decision-making. Sharing best practices with sales teams through negotiation training to identify attractive targets, close deals, and keep the sales funnel full.
International Bank
Supporting and guiding the merging of half a dozen recently acquired banking entities to ensure maximum efficiency in customer relationship management, communication, and common systems across multiple diverse corporate and national cultures. This engagement included executive negotiation training and a strategic report summarizing steps taken and suggested steps forward.
International Cleaning Company
Preparing management for uniquely challenging negotiations with union representatives at a critical juncture in the corporation’s evolution and its relationship with union members.
Large International Technology Company
Engaging us, jointly with one of its largest customers, to conduct a relationship audit, with a view to systematically assessing where their wide-ranging agreement was not living up to its potential, and how improvements could be negotiated between the two parties and dozens of executives.
Leading Wall Street Investment Banks
Getting better results from traders, investment bankers, and client managers through negotiation training. Dealing more effectively internally and externally with cross-cultural challenges and global reporting structures.
Major Software Corporations and Chip Manufacturers
Improving relationships and negotiating deals with smaller partners, as well as the terms of joint-ventures and licensing agreements.
Premier Consulting Groups
Maximizing the impact of their advisory work. Repositioning their client relationships to make them more enduring and profitable. Trouble-shooting client relationships that had soured to get them back on track and better meet both sides’ interests.

From Negotiating Outsourcing Agreements and M&A Deals to New Facilities and Union Contracts: Business Case Examples

Case #1: Negotiating a Mission-Critical Outsourcing Deal
We worked with a large multinational in Europe as it looked to outsource highly sensitive operations. We started by assessing the precise status of its in-house operations and discovered that current internal costs were actually less than assumed and could be negotiated even lower. With the status quo more attractive than expected, our client gained significant leverage with external parties. Our team guided this client through the critical early days of these talks to ensure a successful outcome, checking in with company negotiators at breaks in their talks to help keep things on track. We also provided negotiation training to ensure the company was able to continue creating value and capturing it long after our assignment was completed.
Case #2: Supporting a Chemical Company in Parallel Negotiations
As an example of integrated negotiation in the corporate realm, we helped one client decide where to build a new plant based on operational efficiencies as well as a detailed analysis of how their new plant’s location would impact their most significant negotiations with clients, unions, suppliers and government officials. We also examined how each of these negotiations would affect one another as well as broader negotiations not directly connected to the new plant. The result: a finely tuned, forward-looking, and wholly integrated strategy that produced the most value possible for our client over time.
Case #3: Negotiating for the Chair and Founder of a Well-Known Brand
The dynamic founder of an established international brand had been frustrated in his ongoing efforts to liquidate a portion of his minority stake and to earn more money from the early-stage strategic investors who now dominated his board. We went to the board on his behalf, promoting his interests, and subsequently helped negotiate the sale of the company to an investment group. The result: a highly successful outcome with our client being able to bank a considerable sum of money while still maintaining a significant stake under the new owners. We negotiated his new role and higher compensation, hiring lawyers to support us in that process.
Case #4: Training Buyers at a Global Food & Beverage Company
On behalf of this food and beverage company, we brought together a team of its commodity buyers from around the world to improve their already strong performance through intense, tailored negotiation training over the course of a week. During our time together, we delved into the strategy and psychology of their craft, how to get creative in their negotiations despite the apparent limitations related to buying and selling commodities, and explored approaches for keeping a robust number of suppliers operating for diversity sake and to avoid the rise of monopolies. Based on advance interviews and surveys with participants, we developed new training cases for this client that allowed us to successfully target their most critical influence and decision-making challenges.
Case #5: Providing Ongoing Negotiation Advice to a Solar Tech CEO
We have quietly advised the CEO of a highly successful solar technology company on all significant deals over the past decade with challenging larger buyers and suppliers around the world, including national governments, corporations, and the United Nations. This engagement includes: an ongoing, highly advanced negotiation class to build the CEO’s capacity to handle tough counterparts; advisory work to standardize the pricing of complex product and service offerings; drafting partnership and sales contracts; and developing legal strategies to deal with non-compliant partners.
Case #6: Negotiating the Sale of a Restaurant Chain
We started by settling long-standing internal shareholder disputes within this fast-casual restaurant’s ownership group, allowing for unified decision-making. We then worked with management to identify areas where operations could be improved to enhance valuations. In parallel, we developed financial projections, valued the company, and conducted talks with multiple buyers before focusing on the best offer. We negotiated the detailed terms of the deal, guided due diligence, managed the transfer of leases to the new owners, and oversaw the legal team — which resulted in significant savings for our client.
Case #7: Mediating and Training for a Mining Company and Union
Our Managing Director Peter Johnston led a labor-management engagement with a bitter history including recent lockouts and strikes. At the request of both parties, union and management, Peter and his team started by training all parties together in best practices for negotiating differences with each other over the course of three days. With Peter’s guidance, the parties dug into brainstorming about some of their most challenging issues in upcoming talks on the final day of training. Peter then helped structure talks and mediated them until the parties were able to operate on their own. A ground-breaking contract was reached and the parties agreed that our training and facilitation of their contract discussions were critical to this positive outcome.